The movie Gattica was really interesting. The Movie was talking about jeans and how your children's bodies might or might not be effected by your parents jeans. Like at the begging of the movie there was a kid (forgot name) when he was born the doctors took a blood sample and that blood sample told the parents how long the kid would live for, would he have any problems with his body etc. So the doctors said, that the boy would live up the 30 years old and would have heart problems during the years. What i thought was interesting during this scene was. How can scientist make a machine that can read blood? How did they come up with an idea like this?
Now when you go further into the movie the parents have another kid (forgot name) but this kid before the mother had him, they were able to select what traits the kid would have. Kinda like on the game Sims. They were able to choose the color of the eyes, hair and if he were to be healthy or not and make it 100% that he wouldn't get sick. When the other son was born her was a lot taller then the first one, stronger, etc. But he was not smarter then the first one.
But the way these two brother would show each other who was stronger was by playing chicken, it when they go to the ocean and see who would swim farther before chickening out.
The second brother would always win until, one day the two brother were really far out sea and then first brother out of no were just started swimming faster then the second one. By him swimming faster then the second one, he defined what the doctors said, he broke all the rules. He was meant to be really slow and not athletic. But after 10 minutes of being in front of the second brother the second brothers body just died he started to drown. But then brother one dived down and saved the brother two.
From then we didn't here about brother two anymore. But after that brother one always wanted to go into space and see all the planets. So what he did was he got a special man, its the character who plays in the movie MONK. Anyway this man finds another person who looks similar to the brother one. So what he does is he changes all the features on brother one and makes them as similar to the other guy. So he makes there eye color the same, the hair color and style, the height etc.
This review is about the Movie Gattica if you want to learn more about it watch the movie and Movie2k. com