Sunday, May 13, 2012

Snail Adaptation!

Snail Adaptation

Taylor Divico

Snails are extremely adapted, they can adapt almost everything. Sails can adapt to salt water, fresh water and land habitats. They can protect them selves from predators or injuries. 

Snails have lots of parts to help them adapt for example they have gills, they take in oxygen that is being let out by the underwater plants, while they filter the oxygen to give them nutrients. Snails also have shells that are made out of dead fungi and protect them from predators.

Snails also have two tentacles with their eyes on the end of them. The tentacles are for vision but also for feeling around then habitat for food, place to stay and for reproducing places. Snails have a thing called foot, which is like a slimy muscle, it flexes and contracts which lets in move around on land and then in water. There is like layer of mucus on the foot so that when it moves it can't get injured. Snails have a  tongue, also called radula. The radula is covered with tiny, sharp teeth to grasp food and then sand it to little pieces until he/ she can swallow it. They usually eat plants and stuff more greens, because one its easiers to eat and then there is tons of it to eat. 

Snails are really not the most beautiful creatures on the earth but they sure or cool to learn about. And to me there are the most adaptable things. They can live either in the water or on land. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sex Unit Reflection

The sex unit to me was really us full and interesting. I learned a lot about the body parts that girls and guys have like the Fallopian Tubes, or the Uterus. in class we also learned about how to be protected when having sex, there are lots of ways to have protected sex. Like wearing condoms for men or women, then there is also getting the girl to get on the pill which will prevent the girl from getting pregnant. But the best alternative is just the pace your self and wait until you are ready to have a baby with the woman you love.

A really cool thing that we learned about was the diseases that you can get from sex like Pubic lice, Gonorrhea, or Herpes.

I liked this unit a lot, how we learned about the sex organs and the diseases.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Healthy relationship

What is a healthy relationship?

A healthy relationship is one that, you can go to a person a have full faith and take there judgement. Also its one that he have full trust in each other. For example, you want to have a child with this girl or guy and you don't know if they will fled or stay and take care or the kid thats and unhealthy relationship. You can't be scared to tell your partner something important or urgent.

Who would you go to for help or guiding? 

If i were going to go to someone for guiding i would either go to my parents, or i would go to a friend or maybe a teacher, that will not be named. One of those three i would trust for there honest opinion and would take there thought and put it into serious consideration to what ever it is. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lab: Phases of cells

Guiding question: How much time does one cell stay in one place? 

Column1 Column2
interphase  20
prophase 10
mataphase 3
anaphase 2
telophase 1

Conclusion: So the answer to the building question is really simple, all it asking is what do u think the most used stanza was? Well if you look at the graph or the pie chart. You can see that a the Interphase is the one that has the highest amount which is 20. The phase that is in the middle is called Metaphase which is to. Then the least stanza that is used is Telophase which is at 0. So in conclusion Interphase is the phase that is most used.

Monday, February 20, 2012

No Breaks On Breast Cancer Cells

Scientists in Germany from the Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) have found a small molecule called miR-520 (MicroRNA) which stops the flow in two pathways in the development of cancer in cells. The Cancer Center has found out that tumors will lower the levels of the miR-520 disease. The disease also stops you from getting protein through your body.

Breast cancer cells; proteins of the cytoskeleton are shown in red. (Credit: Lutz Langbein, German Cancer Research Center)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Glowing Mice From China And Other Oddities

Glowing Mice From China And Other Oddities 
Matthew Herper

A man Tian Xu a Howard Hughes medical investigator at yale. He has made glowing mice. He has figured out how to make the mice glow a red color. To make the mice glow they inserted a gene taken from coral and inserted it into the mouses genome (Biological Info). The scientist have done other tests on Crayola box of colors, using jelly fish and fire flies glowing genes. Xu says that he has a trick, its call the transposon. Its a jumping gene, he stole it from the genome of a cabbage looper moth. Now all he has to do is learn how to understand it and read it. Transposon was first discovered 50 years ago in corn by Barbara McClintock. 

To me this discovery was really interesting, because if we can make mice glow. WHat would it be like if we could soon make humans glow. Your walking down the street and you see this little girl glowing. That would be amazing. If we could glow then we wouldn't need flash light anymore. Because we have our own flash light with in us. This discovery should soon be put to more living things other then mice, when they learn how to control it and how to insert it into other living things. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


The movie that we are watching in science has to do with Genetics. It talks about how the scientist are see how to distract DNA from people so that they can see how to cure them. Because after they extract the medicine they put into the incredible Robots (machines) that pick the DNA up with these little needles but the needles have suckers on the end. After they pick it up they put the DNA into this tube looking thing. Then the trays that the tubes are in are shaken by the machine, so that the DNA will be easier to look and observe more early. Then after the skating the letters like G and E all show up on the computer then the scientist will know whats happening to that person and how to fix it. Also just keep in mind that these robots are operating with out any people controlling them. The technology put into these robots is out of this world. The scientist that created these machine must be three times smarter and more advanced then Einstein.

But the Ethics to the movie are also pretty interesting. For example the scientist would charge the patients to do this test. Which is absurd why would they make them pay for there kids to be tested for a dangerous. They should do it for free. An if any medicines are needed then the parents should pay. Another thing that i thought was dumb was that the two different science teams didn't work together but instead they just competed against each, they should just sort they stuff out then work together. First they will be 30 times more efficient, two they would probably be a lot smarter because they scientist have different opinions on what they should do to find the cure. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Search suspended after stricken Italian cruise ship moves

Search suspended after stricken Italian cruise ship moves


A Cruise Liner going by the Tuscan Islands has crashed and is sinking slowly. 11 people have already died and two dozen people are missing from the ship wreck. The ship was cruising along at night and then suddenly they hit a rock. What some survivors are saying, was that they were at dinner and they could here this vibrating sound that is caused by the propellers, but this time when it vibrated it was a lot louder. and then all of a sudden the glass that were on the dinner table started shifting. The chairs and tables started flying to the other side of the ship. 

After they ran to the top of the boat and people took there clothes off and swam to the shore, 200 hundred people swam to shore, the distance from the boat to the shore was 300 feet. What the rescuers are doing is getting diver and blowing holes int he bottom of the hull, so that the divers can look for survivors that didn't make it out. There isn't that much information about how the accident occurred but if more happens i will keep you posted.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


The movie Gattica was really interesting. The Movie was talking about jeans and how your children's bodies might or might not be effected by your parents jeans. Like at the begging of the movie there was a kid (forgot name) when he was born the doctors took a blood sample and that blood sample told the parents how long the kid would live for, would he have any problems with his body etc. So the doctors said, that the boy would live up the 30 years old and would have heart problems during the years. What i thought was interesting during this scene was. How can scientist make a machine that can read blood? How did they come up with an idea like this? 

Now when you go further into the movie the parents have another kid (forgot name) but this kid before the mother had him, they were able to select what traits the kid would have. Kinda like on the game Sims. They were able to choose the color of the eyes, hair and if he were to be healthy or not and make it 100% that he wouldn't get sick. When the other son was born her was a lot taller then the first one, stronger, etc. But he was not smarter then the first one. 

But the way these two brother would show each other who was stronger was by playing chicken, it when they go to the ocean and see who would swim farther before chickening out. 

The second brother would always win until, one day the two brother were really far out sea and then first brother out of no were just started swimming faster then the second one. By him swimming faster then the second one, he defined what the doctors said, he broke all the rules. He was meant to be really slow and not athletic. But after 10 minutes of being in front of the second brother the second brothers body just died he started to drown. But then brother one dived down and saved the brother two. 

From then we didn't here about brother two anymore. But after that brother one always wanted to go into space and see all the planets. So what he did was he got a special man, its the character who plays in the movie MONK. Anyway this man finds another person who looks similar to the brother one. So what he does is he changes all the features on brother one and makes them as similar to the other guy. So he makes there eye color the same, the hair color and style, the height etc. 

This review is about the Movie Gattica if you want to learn more about it watch the movie and Movie2k. com