Sunday, May 13, 2012

Snail Adaptation!

Snail Adaptation

Taylor Divico

Snails are extremely adapted, they can adapt almost everything. Sails can adapt to salt water, fresh water and land habitats. They can protect them selves from predators or injuries. 

Snails have lots of parts to help them adapt for example they have gills, they take in oxygen that is being let out by the underwater plants, while they filter the oxygen to give them nutrients. Snails also have shells that are made out of dead fungi and protect them from predators.

Snails also have two tentacles with their eyes on the end of them. The tentacles are for vision but also for feeling around then habitat for food, place to stay and for reproducing places. Snails have a thing called foot, which is like a slimy muscle, it flexes and contracts which lets in move around on land and then in water. There is like layer of mucus on the foot so that when it moves it can't get injured. Snails have a  tongue, also called radula. The radula is covered with tiny, sharp teeth to grasp food and then sand it to little pieces until he/ she can swallow it. They usually eat plants and stuff more greens, because one its easiers to eat and then there is tons of it to eat. 

Snails are really not the most beautiful creatures on the earth but they sure or cool to learn about. And to me there are the most adaptable things. They can live either in the water or on land. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sex Unit Reflection

The sex unit to me was really us full and interesting. I learned a lot about the body parts that girls and guys have like the Fallopian Tubes, or the Uterus. in class we also learned about how to be protected when having sex, there are lots of ways to have protected sex. Like wearing condoms for men or women, then there is also getting the girl to get on the pill which will prevent the girl from getting pregnant. But the best alternative is just the pace your self and wait until you are ready to have a baby with the woman you love.

A really cool thing that we learned about was the diseases that you can get from sex like Pubic lice, Gonorrhea, or Herpes.

I liked this unit a lot, how we learned about the sex organs and the diseases.